agentc13 Logo

Some of my Work


I do the site layout and design for Hero Helper. I have learned the basics of Angular in this process and continue to learn more as we improve the site functionality and design.

Hero Realms Lua Script GitHub Repo


I have done a number of Lua scripting mods for the Hero Realms Digital app. The biggest project in this is the custom paladin class I have designed. But I have also made some YouTube tutorials and special custom class for a Twitch co-stream with DblDubz introducing the Lua scripting process on his stream. I have also made a number of stand alone scripts that are both modifications of exixting cards and new ones from scratch. I fixed the original "No Heroes" script that was in the production app and this was used to update the one used in game to the correct starting decks.

TCL Spreadsheet


This is the season tracking sheet I made for Thandar Combat League. It has gone through a number of updates and changes as we have changed the league format and stat tracking needs. It has quite a number of custom formulas and queries to make it easier to run the league and automate the match result reporting and division promotions/demotions.

Tavern Brawl S2 Spreadsheet


This is the tracking sheet I made for season 2 of the Tavern Brawl event in the Hero Realms Digital app. It automates the season results, much of the back end stat tracking and leaderboards as well as the individual matchup result entries.